how do you convert 8 / secs into km / hr??

2008-01-17 12:54 pm
this isnt homework so i am not cheating.
i am just wanting to know how to do it.

OOPS SORRY EVERYONE!! I MEAN.. how do you convert 8m/sec into km/hr

回答 (5)

2008-01-17 1:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let's say it's 8m/s.
8m/1s=1000m/3600s (1000m=1km and 3600s=1h)
Then you cross multiply and you will get 28.8km.

If you were to convert 8cm/s to km/hr,
8cm/1s=100 000cm/3600s (100 000cm= 1km)
And you cross multiply,the answer will be 0.288km/h.
2008-01-17 12:59 pm
8 what per second?
Will GUESS 8 m / s
8 x 3600 / 1000 km / h
28.8 km / h
2008-01-17 1:41 pm
1 m/sec = 3.6 km/hr, use this a factor
2008-01-17 1:03 pm
Do you mean: 8 m/s ?

8 x 3600 ÷ 1000
= 28800 ÷ 1000
= 28.8 km/h
2008-01-17 1:01 pm
8 /sec ? I think you made a mistake in typing. Please check your homework.

teddy boy

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