緊急 今日要~不能平伏心情的英文是什麼???

2008-01-18 5:21 am

回答 (3)

2008-01-18 8:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
平伏心情 =
1) to restore my mood stability (恢復我的隱定心情 )
2) to restore my good mood (恢復我的良好心情)
3) to calm down (冷靜下來)
i.e. After my dog died yesteday, I couldn't calm down and cried for a long time. (當我的狗兒昨天死了後,我哭過不停, 久久不能冷靜下來.)
i.e. It took me a long long time to restore my mood stability after the death of my best friend. 我的好友死了後, 我用了很久的時間才平伏我的心情.)
參考: 我是美國碩士學生。
2008-01-18 5:48 am
i cannot claim down myself
2008-01-18 5:33 am
Cannot prostration the mood

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