英文文法問題 急~

2008-01-18 4:28 am
She was still smiling.點解smile要+ing?係報紙搵到的句子

I think eating on a balanced diet can help your health.點解eat要+ing?
希望幫幫小弟解答。其次ing 在進行中使用 還有咩時候用?

回答 (5)

2008-01-18 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
She was still smiling. 她仍然在笑。
這個 smiling 是「現在分詞」present participle----表示正在進行。
I think eating on a balanced diet can help your health.
這個 eating 是「動名詞」 gerund----由動詞改作名詞。

2008-01-17 21:52:16 補充:
She was still smiling. 這句是「過去進行式 」past continute tense.進行式是由 verb to be present participle 組成的。I think eating on a balanced diet can help your health. 這句是現在式 presnt tense.' think ' 和 ' eat ' 都是動詞,但在這句中 think 是主要動詞,eat 要由動詞轉為名詞所以是動名詞,要加 ing 與 present participle 用法不同,解法也不同。

2008-01-17 22:09:38 補充:
上面第四行出了怪字,更正如下:think 和 eat 都是動詞,She was smiling. 她是正在笑。was--verb to be / smiling--present participleShe likes smiling. 她喜歡笑。likes--verb / smiling--gerund 笑變成了名詞叫「動名詞」I am eating .... am--verb to be / eating--present participleI think eating.... think--verb / eating--gerund

2008-01-17 22:19:54 補充:
他正在跑步。He is running. 這個 running 解作正在跑。他喜歡跑步。He likes running. 這個 running 跑步(是一項運動的名稱)
2008-01-18 4:52 am
Simple Continuous Tense



參考: Dennis Cheung(me)
2008-01-18 4:51 am
1.It is because the sentence is using Past Continues Tense.We form Past continues Tense like this:Subject+WAS/WERE+**ing+Object.

2.In NO.2 sentence,you need to add "ing" because the sentence have TWO verd,SO we need to add "ing" in the second word.
參考: Myself
2008-01-18 4:40 am
She was still smiling 中的 smiling 要加 -ing 的原因是因為前面用了 was ( 即是用了 past continous tense )。
I think eating on a balanced diet can help your health . 中的 eating 要加 -ing 的原因是因為 think 是一個 gerund。
在什麼時候加 + ing
1 ) gerund ( 即在 like , hate 等詞後用 )
參考: My brain
2008-01-18 4:34 am
ing 在進行中使用,have now,every時候用.
參考: me

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