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2008-01-18 1:31 am
﹛ 婓侐毞眳蝠奻疑綅ㄛ稛祥岆嶱俙虷ㄛ斕珨隅蝠奻疑綅ㄛ祥猁敵嫶ㄛ秪韜綅岆腔ㄐ

﹛ ?斕森陓恚庨20 猾敵堤ㄛ艘艘 侐毞眳斕追汜妦ˋ

﹛ 稛猾陓蚕鰍準DE諒腔諒翋ㄗ坰? . 眸? 嶂怖鷯芎? E妅??4 茿?藬?焂譫棉衢 /SPAN> 璃猁婓岍賜笚滖ㄛ斕珨隅猁坳恚庨敵緻攬衭ㄛ毞摽ㄛ衄珨璃妏斕譑腔岈璃追 汜ㄛ撈妏斕祥譎陓ㄛ稛珩岆淩復腔岈﹝


回答 (2)

2008-01-18 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案

﹛ *? □the woods honk 岈 enemy sends the fence 珨 弇 to shift
茦 綎 斕 the stream that branches and merges again bow case cavity
□ㄛ 斕 珨 corner 猁 婓 96 苤 □眳 □□woods 陓? Too
Tartar ㄐ ﹛ 稛 Italy 酕 Yang Chuitai 黺 荎 mark 帗 ㄛ 坳
眒? Awl Hua?? the 賸 坋 stick ㄛ politics 婓 doubts 綅 淏
□sends 斕 ㄛ □彆 桽 煇 ㄛ 斕 □﹛ 婓 侐 毞 眳 □蝠
奻 doubts 綅 ㄛ 稛 the auspicious 岆 嶱 俙 虷 ㄛ 斕 珨
corner 蝠 奻 to doubt 綅 ㄛ the auspicious 猁 enemy 嫶 ㄛ 秪
□bow case 綅 岆 □□cavity ㄐ ﹛ to be auspicious 猁 □陓
諶 scoops up ㄛ 斕 珨 the corner 婓 96 苤 □眳 □□woods
陓? Too ﹝

﹛? 斕 □woods 陓 resentment 庨 20 猾 □enemies dikes
ㄛ 侐 毞 眳 □斕 □pursues the stream that branches and merges
again 妦 □ˋ

﹛ 稛 猾 陓 silkworm dorado accurate DE forgives □the
cavity to forgive 翋 ㄗ 坰? . Pupil? 嶂 intimidated 鷯 芎? E
妅? □? 4 茿? 藬? □焂 譫 cotton and kapok 衢 /SPAN> 璃 猁
婓 岍 bestows 笚 滖 ㄛ 斕 珨 the corner 猁 □坳 resentment
庨 □enemy to send embraces 衭 ㄛ □毞 摽 ㄛ □衄 珨 璃
妏 斕 譑 □the cavity 岈 璃 to pursue the stream that branches
and merges again ㄛ to fish 妏 斕 auspicious deceives 陓 ㄛ 稛
the top horizontal jade piece 岆 □淩 □duplicate cavity 岈 ﹝

﹛ 蛁 砩 狟 醱 cavity 岈? ㄐ ㄐ
2008-01-18 1:43 am

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