My ideal secondary school

2008-01-18 12:41 am
題目:我的理想中校(My ideal secondary school)

回答 (3)

2008-01-24 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
My Idea Secondary School
I am a Primary 6 student now so I have to choose a secondary school to study. And I wonder my secondary school is…
My idea secondary school is large and many things to do after school, for example: play basketball and learn English. I never mind that secondary school is not famous, but it is band one and it is English secondary school. Also, there are three playgrounds because I want one for playing football, one for playing basketball and one for other sports. I want the students in that school are all be-having.
I wonder there are a school like I said.
參考: me
2008-01-21 4:03 am
i love your school.
I am helpful.because I always to help the teachers to carry books.
i am generous.because I always share the food with my classmates.
i am tmtellingent.i always get high marks in my class.
2008-01-20 12:20 am
first., 寫邊間係你最 ideal o的school...
second ,. 寫一下果間school 有d咩好處
3. 寫一下果間school 點解係你最 ideal o的school
4. 寫一下果間school 有d咩幫到你,....
5. 果間school 同其他果d school有咩唔同o的地方
參考: me

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