
2008-01-17 5:47 am
If the temperature of Earth is increasing then what do you think could be some of the possible effects of this ? In groups,try to write a list of effects of global warming.Form your list , compare what you think are the effects with some of the climate changes shown in the film The Day after Tomorrow .

回答 (3)

2008-01-17 6:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
你認為如果地球的氣溫一直上升會產生什麼影響呢? 在你的組別中, 試寫一張關於全球暖化現象的影響的清單. 從你的清單中, 比較一下你寫的影響和在電影"明日之後"中展示的氣侯變化.
參考: 自己
2008-01-17 6:01 am
參考: 自己(如有譯錯,請見諒)
2008-01-17 5:53 am
If the temperature of Earth is increasing then what do you think could be some of the possible effects of this ? In groups,try to write a list of effects of global warming.Form your list , compare what you think are the effects with some of the climate changes shown in the film The Day after Tomorrow .

如果溫度地球然後增加什麼您認為能是一些這的可能的作用? 在小組, 嘗試寫全球性變暖的作用名單。形成您的名單, 比較什麼您認為是作用以一些氣候變化後天被顯示在影片
參考: 我~~~

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