三菱 Mitsubishi Lancer 好唔好???

2008-01-17 5:30 am
我想買一陪三菱 Mitsubishi
我想知三菱 Lancer 係用咩引擎??
同埋我有8000~9000 澳元我可以買到幾多年車
( 我係澳洲 Perth 買)
我想知Lancer 好唔好用....有冇力....耐唔耐用???
Lancer 車有咩優點 同 缺點???
如果可以搵到D Lancer 係perth 就最好!!

回答 (3)

2008-01-18 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually I'm in Perth as well, I haven't driven Mitsubishi before and not much knowledge of Lancer. However I hope this following link would help you to search your favourite car.


You can also buy the Autotrader magazine in every newspaper agency.

我想知三菱 Lancer 係用咩引擎??
you can see in the following website (It depends on what model you want)

同埋我有8000~9000 澳元我可以買到幾多年車
It's related in many reason ( the driven kilometre, car age, engine, etc......) but you can try to search in that following website as well.

我想知Lancer 好唔好用....有冇力....耐唔耐用???
It depends of the car model, coz it is different in each model (i.e.: likes 2000 and 95)

I can share some of my experience to you of purchasing used car. You could try to have a look of every universities in Perth, there got many notice boards sell the used stuffs, especially car. In my 3 years in Perth, I know that Lancer is popular and easy to find. But before your purchase it, you must think is that (your favourite car) easy to find the parts when you gonna fix it; otherwise when your car has any problem, you will spend damn much more money to repair it.

Moreover, I recommend you purchase some popular car; it is because when you have to sell it, the popular car is much more easy for sell, otherwise you will sell it to the used car agency, and they won't pay the resonable price for you.
2008-01-23 1:55 pm
三菱 Mitsubishi 第五代好, 因為外型究凶惡, ,,和兩隻 fog light 好似西瓜禁大,,馬力有280匹,,4 wheels drive, 17吋oz ,,0-60 in 4.8 秒,,RS版只需要 4.5秒,係直路上係街 扒,,但是玩彎位就小心,, 但是我個人意 見喜 愛 HONDA EK 9 type R,civic JDM 這部車在街上很旨有快感 ,,,如果你買左喳 落來,,,motherwell 拉....MY MOIBLE : 07796111536
2008-01-18 9:11 pm
我覺得想買一輛Mitsubishi Lancer私家房車完全真係唔好,因為該輛Mitsubishi Lancer私家房車一啲普通車嚟咋!直情係引擎行得好慢!優點就係無。缺點就係唔識改裝一輛Lancer Evolution比賽跑車,垃圾嚟!我就鍾意該輛Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I - X GSR, MR GSR比賽跑車完全係好好啲!

2008-01-24 12:46:17 補充:
三菱Lancer Evolution跑車嘅跑車引擎得太快同埋甚至付咁凶惡得最好!
參考: Mr Noel Tsang Wai Pong

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