我想要VIA AC'97 Enhanced Audio Controller音效卡既驅動程式 20點

2008-01-17 5:11 am
電腦岩岩整番好 要搵番個音效裝置先聽到歌

回答 (2)

2008-01-17 6:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
我個人選了繼續...沒有甚麼問題出現= ="
2008-01-22 9:33 am
VIA AC 97 幾個版本, 因有好多型號, 點比你, 你自己看..., 如果你真是VIA AC97, 其中一個一定得.
主網頁 >>> http://www.viaarena.com/default.aspx?PageID=2&OSID=1&CatID=1010


Please check this list for help identifying integrated graphics chipsets or, scan computer for driver updates with Driver Agent (Sponsor).

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VIA AC97 codec incorporated into VT82C686A/B South Bridges

VIA AC97 codecs incorporated into VT8233, VT8233A, VT8233C, VT8235 and VT8237/R South Bridges

VIA Vinyl audio codecs: VT1612A, VT1613, VT1616/B, VT1617/A, VT1618

VIA Vinyl Envy24 controllers: MT/DT/GT/PT/HT-S

VIA AC97 codec incorporated into VT8231 South Bridge

VIA AC97 codec incorporated into VT8251 South Bridge

VIA HD Audio Codec VT1708 paired with VT8237A/VT8251/CX700(M)

VIA HD Audio Codec VT1708A paired with VX700(M/M2)

VIA HD Audio Codec VT1708B

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