
2008-01-17 3:50 am


回答 (2)

2008-01-17 10:01 pm
Inland Revenue Department would accept the instalment of payments of taxes, but the additional charges of 5% will be imposed of your taxes as well. That means, you will need to pay more several hundred dollars as service charges to the IRD.
First of all, you need to contact the assessor, and you can find the phone number on the right corner of your assessment. The assessor will ask your financial records, including the bank statements, bank passbooks. After reviewing your financial records, the assessor will allow you to make several instalments to repay the taxes, usually the period will not be more than 6 months. I am not sure this is helpful to you of such 6 month instalments.
Or, some banks offer the tax loan, and they will not check your credit information. Just ask for the tax assessment. I think this may be more helpful to you.
2008-01-17 8:00 am
稅局係不接受分期交稅, 遲交仲要俾罰款呀! 所以以前成日聽人講買儲稅券囉.
現好多銀行宦有低息稅貸, 但聽你講已問銀行借好多錢真係未必可再借, 因現信貸機構都check得幾緊. 我建議你真係要硬住頭皮問屋企人借埋今次, 因稅局罰款都幾勁!

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