[ 帝 女 花 帶 淚 上 香 , 願 喪 生 回 謝 爹 娘 ]的 (英文)

2008-01-17 3:39 am
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2008-01-17 3:50 am
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[ 帝 女 花 帶 淚 上 香 , 願 喪 生 回 謝 爹 娘 ]的 (英文)
Princess Fa is lighting the incenses with tears, she wish to finish her live for thanking her parents.
Hope it helps you
參考: myself only
2008-01-18 4:52 pm
Princess Chang Ping was full of tears while offering incense, and willing to sacrifice
her life to requite her parents.

2008-01-18 08:58:24 補充:
Try again:Princess Chang Ping was tear-stained while offering incenses, and willing to sacrifice her life to rquite her parents.
2008-01-17 11:37 pm
Princess lighted the incenses with tears,and she hoped that she can die for thanking her parents.
參考: myself
2008-01-17 4:04 am
[ 帝 女 花 帶 淚 上 香 , 願 喪 生 回 謝 爹 娘 ]的 (英文) :Emperor the female flowered belt tear burnt incense, is willing to get killed thanks the parents

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