
2008-01-17 3:26 am
佢有個回答係it's on the tenth floor.

回答 (4)

2008-01-17 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
你應該用which ,
how既中文解釋係 " 點樣 "
所以唔岩用 .
參考: 自己
2008-01-17 4:05 am
樓上個位朋友,你答錯左啦- -"
你話1st ask
"where do you live?"即係"你住係邊呀?"
應該係"Which storeys do you live? "
如果係Use "How"的話,就唔得啦,意思係"怎樣"
"怎樣"e.g:How do you go to school?"你是怎樣/用什麼方法上學的?"
"Which"e.g:Which pet do you like best,dog or cat?"你最鍾意邊隻動物,狗定係貓?"

2008-01-16 20:08:50 補充:
Sorry- -"上面有d錯。1.第5,7,8個"&quot"即係(")的意思,唔好意思呀~~

2008-01-16 20:09:34 補充:
2008-01-17 3:39 am
1st ask
"where do you live?"
usually that guy will point to a building or give u a rough location
then ask "which floor u live in that building?"
S/he will give the the floor^^

and depend on the situation, ur ans given is not necessary referring to which floor s/he live -_-
it could be:
"where is XXX?"
"Is there any XXX in this building?"
or even "Why should I even take this lift when it is full?"

so just giving that answer alone is not enough to determin the question...
I need more information
參考: I wrote this @@v
2008-01-17 3:37 am
下..how !?
唔得ga bor~
我想 : Which floor do you live ?
參考: 自己

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