關於Runescape新wild-----bounty hunter 的問題?

2008-01-17 2:42 am
在bounty hunter裏面邊個戰鬥方式最好: ranger, melee, mage

回答 (4)

2008-01-21 5:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
最好use melee,帶定Full Rune or other(如果有),有大把錢就up mage lvl to 最少41 (用air 大爆,買大量deart runes), (一定要帶melee things) 不要用ranger,因為a lot of player 用 Full Rune or full Addy,超防range,十分浪費arrows,(除非range lvl 75+++ 同有錢去買大量 addy arrows)

ac name:2034928
home world:29 and 32
參考: 自已經驗......
2008-01-22 3:36 am
Use Range is better if you are in a team

Use Melee is better if you are hunting singlely

You can use Mage but you will atrract all members in the game...because you need a lot of runes to cast spells and runes are expensive!!!!!
THe skull on your head may not be the colour of bronze~
參考: ME
2008-01-22 3:12 am
mage and meelee good.
meelee:use rune kiteshield

mage:use blasts
參考: me
2008-01-17 2:57 am
Mage GOOD because can minus more blood.

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