
2008-01-16 4:49 pm
請提供中英對照食譜, 包括薑汁奶, 雲吞面及蘿蔔糕.

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2008-01-19 7:41 am
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薑 汁 撞 奶

材 料 :
1 支鮮奶
1 湯匙薑汁
1/4 茶匙白醋

做 法 :
(1) 先將薑汁和白醋拌勻後,放入一深碗內待用。
(2) 置鮮奶和糖於煲內,以文火將鮮奶煮至將滾及糖溶取出。
(3) 撞入薑汁碗內,立即加碟蓋焗四至五分鐘材料凝固即成。

Milk Curd w/Ginger Juice

1 bottle of milk
1 tbsp ginger juice
1/4 tsp white vinegar
Some sugar

(1)Mix ginger juice with white vinegar. Put it into a deep bowl.
(2)Put fresh milk and sugar into a pot and boil over mild heat until just boiling and the sugar has melted.
(3) Pour the milk into the above ginger juice and cover with a plate to bake for 4-5 minutes until set. Serve hot.


材 料 :
150 克碎豬肉
300 克西洋菜
160 克細蝦仁
3 隻鮮冬菇
200 克上海雲吞皮

調味料 :
1/3 茶匙鹽
1 茶匙生粉
2 茶匙生抽

做 法 :
(1) 冬菇去蒂切幼粒。
(2) 西洋菜洗淨,用油、鹽水拖至軟身,過冷河後乾水份,然後切碎待用。
(3) 碎豬肉加入冬菇粒、西洋菜粒及調味料拌勻成餡料候用。
(4) 每塊雲吞皮放上適量餡料及蝦仁包成雲吞,放入滾水中煮至熟後撈起。再放入已置有適量鹽、生抽、麻油及胡椒粉的清湯或上湯內,最後灑上荵花即成。

Meat & Vegetable Wonton in Shanghainese Style

Ingredients :
150g Minced pork
300g Watercress
160g Small shelled shrimps
3 Fresh black mushrooms
200g Shanghai wonton wrapping
Some diced spring onion

Seasonings :
1/3 tsp salt
1 tsp cornflour
2 tsp light soy sauce
A dash of seasame oil & a pinch of pepper

(1) Stalk black mushroom. Chop bothinto fine cubes.
(2) Rinse watercress. Scald with some oil & salt till soft. Rinse inrunning water. Squeeze out excessive water. Cut into fine cubes.
(3) Mix minced pork with black mushroom, watercress & seasonings as fillings.
(4) Put some fillings & shelled shrimps on the wonton wrapping. Wrapwell. Cook in boiling water till done. Season broth with some salt,light soy sauce, seasame oil & pepper. Put wonton in. Sprinkleon some diced spring onion.


材 料 :
20 克瑤柱
150 克臘肉
20 克蝦米
1-2 條臘腸
1500 克蘿蔔
300 克粘米粉
3 杯清水
1 條荵(切粒)
1 湯匙白芝麻(炒香)

調味料 :
1 湯匙鹽
1/2 片片糖

做 法 :
(1) 蘿蔔去皮洗淨,刨絲或切絲。
(2) 將蝦米洗淨浸透後切粒;瑤柱浸軟,撕成妯絲;臘腸切粒;起鑊下油爆香各種臘味材料,下調味兜勻炒透,盛起。
(3) 原鑊用一杯水同煮至蘿蔔軟身,盛起。
(4) 把 3/2 杯的煮蘿蔔水抽出,與粘米粉開勻,拌入所有材料及調味料,趁熱攪成稠狀。
(5) 糕盆塗油,倒入蘿蔔漿料,以大火蒸一小時即成。

Steamed Turnip Cake

20g Dried scallop
150g pcs preserved dried pork
20g Dried shrimps
1-2 Chinese preserved sausage
1500g Turnip
300g Rice flour
3 cups water
1 stalk spring onion (chopped)
1 tsp five spice powder

1 tbsp salt
1/2 pcs cane sugar
A pinch of pepper

(1) Wash, peel & shred (or chop) turnp. Set aside.
(2) Soak dried shrimps & dried scallops until tender. Chop dried shrimps slightly & slice dried scallops. Cut sausages into small cubes. Stir-fry all these ingredients in a hot wok. Season.
(3) Put shred turnip & 1 cup of water to the wok & cook until the turnip soften.
(4) Place rice flour in a mixing bowl. Pour 3/2 cups turnip soup into flours & stirwell. Add all ingredients & solution into the hot turnip soup in the wok, stir until thick.
(5) Pour the cake mixture into a greased cake tin. Steam at high heat for 1 hour.

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