HKU non-jupas 重 register

2008-01-16 8:32 am
我今日 register HKU non-jupas
AD Year 1
但是 register 個時按錯 入了 for AD and HD year 2 (final year) 的
我想我入錯左 想要申請過 又唔識 cancel 之前個個 register
我還是應該唔理佢再申請 or 有什麼辦法可以取消得到 跟住重新 register???
急問!!!! thx a lot la

回答 (2)

2008-01-17 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you better contact HKU directly for help.
Since I faced similiar problems as you last year.
I clicked the wrong choice and even submitted the form to Poly U.
Finally I called the responsible department and they help me to change my choice.
So don't worry, contact HKU as soon as possible since it may be time consuming for them to respond.
2008-01-20 3:04 am
2 things to do:
1. make a phone call to non jupas office, tell him/her ur problem
2. send an email to non jupas office, ask them to reply, very important to do this step, save the email for further ref, coz if asking staff(through phone) forgets ur request, u still hv back up info to show them

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