Need advice with this girl (I know, standard topic name..)?

2008-01-15 11:25 pm
I'll try to keep this short...
I'm dating this girl for a little while (late November) and everything was fine, untill she had two very busy test weeks with school in which I haven't seen her. After that she seemed less enthousiastic (is that a word?) and now she "doesn't know" if she wants to get together again...

She doesn't ignore me or anything, but she keeps replying with "I don't know, really". She is honest, doesn't want to keep me on a tap or anything, but when I ask her directly 'So you don't want to see mee anymore?' She says that it's not a "no" for sure, just the feeling is less than before.

So, I get it, the feeling is less than before, I haven't seen her in a while (which I think sucks :P) but now she is in doubt and isn't sure if she wants to meet up...

Any advice?

Update: thanks for the whole bunch of answers! I'm going with 'letting her contact me', since I else might be smothering her :P And if it totally blows over, that's too bad than.. Only then it has "ended" in such a weird way, ah well.. we'll see :)

回答 (32)

2008-01-15 11:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Show up and talk to her mom... then wait 3 days, and show up to take her out somewhere nice...


2016-12-13 8:05 am
generally a guy could communicate with a woman randomly, like maximum adult adult males do to me. Say you're waiting for sophistication to commence, ask for the time if she has an eye fixed. i've got genuinely had a guy do this, and that's a effective hearth communication starter exceptionally in case you point out fabric from the classification. it generally finally ends up properly. yet another place is a bus provide up. easily you have one on campus. generally conversations can commence there and in the event that they final til you're on the bus, then congrats -- you met a ability female you will be into. :]
2008-01-15 11:37 pm
It sure sounds like she might have found a new guy, but she doesn't want you to know about this right away. Continue to be friends with her. Don't pressure her to tell you anything. In the meantime, find other girls to date.
2008-01-15 11:34 pm
being a girl thats just gone through exams, i can assure that its not all that uncommon for a girl to be stressed and showing less interest in you during them. if she didnt want to be with you, she would of blown you off before.. during or after her exams, and she's done neither, which obviously shows she's keen!! obviously at the start of ALL relationships your more enthusiastic (which is a word... lol) because its like a major buzz... but then eventually tones down the more secure it gets. and she's most likely been to stressed and occupied with her exams, that she hasn't had time to keep you on the buzz, or herself !! maybe not asking her to go out with you so often would make it easier... i can say from personal experience that being constantly asked to go out with a guy is a huge turn off !! and you'll only drive her away, be sweet & sensitive and all that.. but dont over do it - kind of keep her keen but not smothered.. then get used to 'a relationshipy time thing between you' and get the stronger.. as if she's practically gagging for you to ask her out.. and she'll hint, then go for it...?????

im new to this... my bad if i got it oh so wrong.!! good luck anyway.
2008-01-15 11:33 pm
Well don't take what I'm saying as the gospel but I can tell you what I THINK it means. Before I got married, when I would date a guy and decide it wasn't going any further, I wouldn't want to hurt his feelings, especially if I thought he was nice. So sometimes I would say I'm just too busy. But I really don't want to give him a definite "no" because I might want to see him again. I guess that sounds like a dishonest thing to do but a lot of people do things like that when they are very young and new to relationships. It's just hard to know how to handle "slowing down." So a lot of times people do it this way. Here's my advice to you: Slow things WAY down. A lot of times, this will intrigue a girl just enough to turn the tables and want to see you again. Give her the space she wants and act like it doesn't bother you. Sometimes, this will get her curious, intrigued, missing you and thinking about your good qualities. Just give it a try! Good luck!
2008-01-15 11:33 pm
she just isn't that into you , as they say . don't you think you are worth the same amount of energy you have given it so far ? I'm betting you are . Some people don't know what they have till it's gone , so go . It soounds like she is hoping you will make the decision for her , some people are like that . Be strong and don't be sad the next girl might like your smile.
2008-01-15 11:33 pm
It sounds like she either wants her space to figure things out or she's losing interest. There could be several reasons why, but I can't answer them for you. I would suggest that you call her less and don't make such an effort to see her. Let her contact you. If she comes back, it's meant to be. Otherwise, maybe you should find someone else who appreciates you and misses you when you're apart. That's real love.
2008-01-15 11:32 pm
Have you ever seen someone play with a cat by teasing it with a ball of yarn? You lower the yarn a little bit and it tries and tries to get it. Once you let it catch the whole ball of yarn, it loses interest instantly.
You've let her have the whole ball of yarn and that bores her. Women get put off when you lay your feelings out there, let her figure you out for herself. Ignore her for a while and make her build her interest. So many guys have been using this formula for years, it works.
參考: "The Game" by Neil Strauss
2008-01-15 11:31 pm
Give her some space but be there as a friend right now. She may be putting all her energy towards the tests. If she is a Sr she may be trying to get into a good college.
2008-01-15 11:31 pm
Testing weeks in school really are extremely draining, I just finished exams a week ago- and I didn't want to do anything that weekend. It's good she's being honest about stuff, you wouldn't want her to lie about how she feels. If I were you I wouldn't push anything, I would just tell her you care and your there and willing to work it out. All she may need is time to think, but thats not a big deal. Just try to hang out, and not make anything big out of it, try to make it seem like its two friends meeting up, and then she can relax and not have to worry about her feelings. If the attraction is there, and obvious, then it will be easier for her to decide to stay with you or not.

Good Luck!
2008-01-15 11:31 pm
Hi there, i think her feelings are a little mixed up. i would persevere with her, give her time to adapt to her feelings, you will soon find out.
good luck you obviously like this girl dont smother her, and keep asking her if she wants to see ya, she is seeing ya so keep cool and let things flow.

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