How would you react when you just found out that your best friend is gay?

2008-01-15 10:42 pm

回答 (55)

2008-01-15 10:45 pm
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I responded by telling him, "Thank Goodness YOU finally figured it out!!!"

We had been friends since we were 8, I knew when we were 11, he figured it out in his 30's!
2008-01-15 10:46 pm
When I found out my bestfriend was gay I wasn't surprised at all because I had known him for so long that he didn't even have to tell me because I already knew.
2008-01-15 10:46 pm
The same way I would react if I found out my best friend preferred Budweiser over Heineken.

A bit surprised at first, but then I'd accept it and keep talking about football.
2008-01-15 11:04 pm
With any news comes a reaction either positive or negative. i would probably be a little shocked and surprised but at the end of the day i would have to make the decision of if i want to keep them as my friend or to disassociate myself from them, at the end of the day u have to know what road u will take with ur friend, ok. All u have to do is accept or reject ur friend whichever and take note of what they mean to you ok and if that friendship is worth keeping or abandoning. Good luck and God bless.
2008-01-15 10:49 pm
I would be a little surprised that I hadn't picked up on something sooner, but in the end they are still the same person. They're sexual orientation doesn't change the friendship and bond I've shared with them.
2008-01-15 10:49 pm
Ummm I don't know maybe accept him for who he is? I cant claim to understand gay people but I am sure that whatever one is in life, everyone needs someone to understand them for who they are and love them unconditionally. Just don't be drunk with him one night and forget yourself......

One question though, how close are you and your best friend if you didn't even know that he is gay???
2008-01-15 10:48 pm
It shouldn't be too much of a shock, unless you are very dense.
If they are your best friend you tend to pay attention to what they do, how they act, how they talk, and you just know how they are, so maybe you had an idea all along and were either too dense to realize, or were in denial.
The only way you should react to your best friend coming out, is by being there for them. They are still human, and they are still the same person they were when you thought they were straight.
參考: My best friend is gay.
2008-01-15 10:47 pm
If it was my best friend I would be accepting and understanding. Unfortunately my wife has just told me she is leaving with my best friends wife.

I am having difficulty coping with this, especially as both families have 2 children, so 4 children are being screwed up aswell as 2 families being broken up.
2008-01-15 10:47 pm
i found out that my bessssttt friend was gayy...
i was schocked but i never changed around him
he is still my best freind i just can talk to him about anythign now and he understands...
dont not be their freind
their still human and be there for them no matter what when people turn agaiinst him...they will need comfort from the ones they love or loves them
2008-01-15 10:46 pm
Well, if they are a best friend ,this would be something that someone would know way before the person tells you .

There shouldn't be any surprises there .

They wouldn't be hiding it from you , if you are considered a "best friend".

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