Rational & Irrational?

2008-01-15 10:44 am
Which are NOT rational ?


回答 (5)

2008-01-15 10:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
All of them are rational! A rational number, by definition, is one that can be expressed as the quotient of two integers. Since each of these is expressed in exactly that fashion, it follows at once that each is rational.
2008-01-15 10:52 am
If you mean rational number, all of these fructions are rational.
2008-01-15 10:50 am
If a number can be expressed as a fraction (a/b) where a and b are both integers, the number is a rational number.

All the numbers provided in the question are already expressed in this form. They are all rational.
2008-01-15 10:49 am
All are rational
2008-01-15 10:49 am
Since all of these can be expressed as a quotient of integers, they are all rational. An example of an irrational number would be pi, or e.

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