
2008-01-16 7:52 am

(1) Boston, Washington, Seattle, New York, Miami, Santa Babara, Chicago邊度最凍?
please 排先後次序,由最凍排先 

(3) 穿什麼寒毛衣, 大褸.....
(4) 美國, 英國邊度凍d?

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 6:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
美國東岸時間Jan 15 21:30
1.&2. Chicago 18'F => Boston 24'F =>Washington D.C 29'F => Seattle 30'F => New York 31'F => Santa Babara 50'F => Miami 58'F
3. 個個地方都著得唔同架喎!! 好似Chicago而家咁, 就要著晒毛衣加大褸, 但係o係Miami就仲著緊短Tee, 短褲都得架喎!!
4. 以平均黎計, 英國會凍D

2008-01-16 10:36:52 補充:
要把'F (華氏溫度) 轉做'C (攝氏溫度) o既方法係把 ('F - 32) then 除 9 再乘5, 就得架喇...e.g.Chicago, 而家係 18'F(18-32)/9 x 5= -2.2'C 喇~
參考: weather.com
2008-01-18 2:58 pm
Chicago-Boston-New York City-Washington DC-Saettle

Miami and Santa Babara------- bring the swin suite with you all year..

in cold day ( 25 F - 45F ), i will wear a T- shirt as under coat, a long sleeve shirt and a winter jacket plus a normal long pant.

depend where in USA, some places are extreme cold in winter time. talking about
( - tenth F ) in all winter months.

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