繳交稅款 : 有冇人知如果失業冇錢可否向稅局申請分期交稅呀?

2008-01-16 7:04 am
繳交稅款 : 有冇人知如果失業冇錢可否向稅局申請分期交稅呀?

如果可以, 請問過程要點做, 同埋如果出信, 仲需唔需辰其他証明, 因為冇野做...會沒有証明文件...

回答 (3)

2008-01-16 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-01-16 11:43 pm
You can go to IRD in person or write a letter for apply the instalment of payment of the salaries tax and the interest will be applied. You can write in the letter as the ground that you are now unempolyed and apply for instalment for the tax payment.
2008-01-16 5:57 pm
You can bring up your financial info such as bank statement, passbook and goto Wan Chai IRD HQ to apply for settlement by instalment / refund of previous balance (if any) and asked for help. I perfer if you can go in person is better in this case.

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