Why children should learn a second language?

2008-01-16 5:17 am
Why children should learn a second language?

回答 (3)

2008-01-16 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
there are some reasons / advantages for learning second language:

-they can speak with foreign people

-they will hv more confident

-if they can overcome the learning difficulty,they will hv "成功" feeling(same case as learning japanese)

-another way to communicate with people except Chinese language
參考: my experience
2008-01-16 12:51 pm
By learning a 2nd language, children can be/have:

1) Enriched & broadened their young minds.

2) More intelligent, a great IQ booster.

3) Learn more about different culture instead of just their own.

4) Better understanding ability.

5) Increase of personal worth.

6) make more friends.


hope that helps.
參考: myself.
2008-01-16 5:24 am
for convenience of communication when travelling to another countries for working purposes or leisure purposes
參考: myself

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