
2008-01-16 4:28 am
如果一開始...係This morning
咁跟住以後既內容 應該係用過去式定係現在式呢?

回答 (9)

2008-01-16 4:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
It should be past tense
Because you are reviewing or describing the events which happened this morning(which has already happened) and you are probably telling others about this event later that day(in the afternoon,in the morning etc).
2008-01-22 2:58 am
過去式:already happened(用於日記 or 週記or遊記 most)
This morning,I woke up at 8am.

I have lunch every day.
I forget it already.
I am a boy.
And because this morning是指已happened左
So 不可以用現在式

2008-01-22 18:12:55 補充:
現在式:1.現在的情況 I am very happy.2.經常性動作 I do exercises every day.3.肯定/一般會/必要做的動作 The sun rises in the east.4.可能 I may go to China .Because 以上各點沒 發生過 這點So 不可以用現在式
2008-01-17 1:15 am
This morning用過去式或future都得,因為當時可能係講末來ge野 (例:I would like to finish my homework tomorrow at that time)
參考: Me
2008-01-16 5:01 am
because this morning
參考: Mw.Me.Me!
2008-01-16 4:46 am
用past tense,因為今早的事已經過去。
2008-01-16 4:44 am
要用過去式,因為This morning 係今日早上發生ge 野,je 係已經過去jo ge 野泥ga 啦!!而記述已經過去jo ge 野,就梗係用過去式啦!!
hope can help you!-^ ^-
參考: myself@@''
2008-01-16 4:36 am
this morning 係過去式
2008-01-16 4:36 am
應該用過去式(past tense),因為this morning已經係過去發生的事情,所以要用過去式。
參考: 自己
2008-01-16 4:35 am
It should be past tense
Reason:You are reviewing or describing the events which happened this morning(which has already happened) and you are probably telling others about this event later that day(in the afternoon,at night etc).

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