翻譯英文~ thans!急...

2008-01-16 2:58 am
內容簡介: 一夜之間,紐約滅亡。在毫無預兆下,紐約夜空仿如發生核爆,一瞬間天崩地裂,巨大的怒吼、沉重的腳步由遠逼近,自由 神像的頭顱墜落街頭,軍方介入激烈開火,全城陷入末世災難,人們慌亂逃生,只是大家都不知道他們逃避的是什麼?是異形?巨獸?恐怖襲擊?目擊過程的只有少 數人倖存,真相

回答 (4)

2008-01-16 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
Brief introduction: Overnight , become extinct in New York. Under having omen at all, the night sky of New York imitates and explodes the core, has heaven falling and the earth cracking in a flash, the enormous raving , heavy step is approached far, the head of the freedom statue falls in the street, the military gets involved and opens fire fiercely, fall into the disaster in last phase in the whole city, people are flurried to flee for one's life, just does not everybody know what they escape ? Is it the dysmorphism? The huge beast? Is terror attacked? Witness only a few people survive in course , truth
Perhaps nobody knows forever .....
參考: me
2008-01-16 9:33 pm
Synopsis: Between a night, New York perishes. Under the omen, the New
York nighttime sky does not imitate like has the nuclear explosion,
the flash 天崩地裂, huge roars, the heavy footsteps by far
approaches, the free likeness of a god or buddha head crashes the
street corner, the military involves intensely opens fire, entire city
at the end of falling into world disaster, the people flurriedly
escape, only is everybody all did not know what they do evade are? Is
the different shape? Great beast? Terror attack? Witnessed the process
only has the minority person to fortunately survive, the truth
possibly forever nobody knew... ...
2008-01-16 4:15 am
Overnight, become extinct in New York. Under having omen at all, the night sky of New York imitates and explodes the core, have heaven falling and the earth cracking in a flash, the enormous raving, heavy step is approached far, the head of the freedom statue falls in the street, the military gets involved and opens fire fiercely, fall into the disaster in last phase in the whole city, people are flurried to flee for one's life, does not just everybody know what they escape? Is the different shape? Great beast? Is terror attacked? Witness only a few people survive in course, truth
Perhaps nobody knows forever
參考: me
2008-01-16 3:08 am
Synopsis: Between a night, New York perishes. Under the omen, the New York nighttime sky does not imitate like has the nuclear explosion, the flash 天崩地裂, huge roars, the heavy footsteps by far approaches, the free likeness of a god or buddha head crashes the street corner, the military involves intensely opens fire, entire city at the end of falling into world disaster, the people flurriedly escape, only is everybody all did not know what they do evade are? Is the different shape? Great beast? Terror attack? Witnessed the process only has the minority person to fortunately survive, the truth possibly forever nobody knew... ...
參考: me

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