
2008-01-16 2:58 am
最近開始練習跑步應付10k, 速度大約每小時跑4.7K, 為何起步不久腳弓感覺疲倦酸軟,

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 3:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
sorry this computer cannot type cantonese..

try to do more warm up and stretching
so that your legs can be in best form when you start running!

and try to keep a slower pace at first,
then gradually accelerate...

腰痛 maybe becoz you hold your position tight..
try to do more stretching .. that would help

you should also be aware of your running style..
dun be too tight ..
參考: i've been running for 9 years
2008-01-16 3:39 am
你本身已經有冇扁平足問題呢??有扁平足腳弓都會感覺疲倦酸軟!!!sor 簡短左D!!!

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