急求english riddles10分ga!!?

2008-01-16 1:57 am
如題般,吳該,急用做homework要easy andintersting

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 4:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
First , I want to ask you what is meaning by " andintersting "
1 ) In my house
I'm the King!
Look at me
Playing with string.
I'm very pretty.
I've got four white socks.
Playing hide-and-seek
Inside this box!
What am I?
2 ) I am a picture with lots of informations.
You can travel the world with your eyesin a minute.
You can see rivers, roads and mountains on me.
What am I ?
參考: Yahoo knowledge +
2008-01-16 3:06 pm

01. I am lighter than a feather, yet no man can hold me for very long. What am I?
02. Three guys run into a bar, the fourth man ducks. Why does he duck?
03. How do you put a giraffe in a refrigerator?
04. How do you put an elephant in a refrigerator?
05. All of the animals go to a meeting for the Lion King. One animal doesnt show up.
Which animal doesn't come?
06. You come to a river that aligators live in. There is no boat, raft, bridge, nor material to
make them. How do you get accross?
07. A fifteen foot rope is tied to a horse. The horse is 25 feet from a stack of hay. How
can the horse get to the hay?
08. From what number can you take half and leave nothing?
09. How can you drop an egg 3 feet without breaking it?
10. How can you make a fire with only one stick?
11. How can you tell the difference between a can of chicken soup and a can of tomato
12. Can giraffes have babies?
13. What has four wheels and flies?
14. Feed me and I live, give me something to drink and I'll die. What am I?
15. What has eyes but cannot see?
16. When is a door not a door?


01. Breath
02. He didn't want to hit the bar
03. Open the door, put him in, close the door
04. Open the door, take the giraffe out, put him in, close the door
05. The elephant, he's in the refrigerator
06. Jump in, swim accross, get out. The aligators are at the meeting
07. The rope isn't tied to anything but the horse
08. Take the top half away and the "o" is left
09. Drop it 4 feet, the first 3 feet the egg won't hit anything
10. Make sure it's a matchstick
11. Read the label
12. No, they have giraffes
13. A dumpster
14. Fire
15. A needle, a potatoe, a storm, or true lovers
16. When it's ajar

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