
2008-01-16 12:00 am
我知道大概應該係 Dobule V. 既時候加
like playing 左右,但可否長詳一D解釋呢?




I come late : )

Now, sometimes i will study Eng.

usually come here see your xg few min. .XD

Ah ha. movie that's pro drum@@

look at our school... Orz|||

This's 波蘭 on the 1st of January 國慶

at the show QQ" I will seeing TV. look at this.

have a nice day boy. bye^Q^

回答 (1)

2008-01-16 1:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
let me see see , Is It a post card??
Are you study in Secondary School??
There are a lot of question in this paragraph ,
I use red to change your wrong words/wrong sentences/give some comment.
Also I delete some sentences.
參考一下這篇由我(中一生)更改後English Writing 啦!!
Dear ㄨㄨㄨ ,
I'm sorry that I send this postcard late !!!!

Now, I am going to study English twice a week/once a week.

I usually surf the net and search your xanga to see what do you write about your daily life every day.
Last Saturday,I saw a movie with my friends.My friends were enjoyed the movie but I think it's a bit boring.

Look at our school, It is beautiful,clean and comfortable.
On the 1st of January, Poland<波蘭> was National Day<國慶日>,also New Year was on that day.

Hope you have a nice day . Bye
Bye for now,
Present Continuous Tense : Subject + Verb to be
subject : I, You ,we, They, He, She , It
Verb to be : am / are / is / 'm not / aren't / isn't
多數會用系 now , at present , at the moment 等等

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