How to introduce Hong Kong to foreigner

2008-01-15 9:55 pm
I have to go to a remote place so soon.
People in there may ask me lots of question about Hong Kong.

So please help me describe/introduce Hong Kong for an essay or composition!!!(Please don't write some travel/visit place in Hong Kong)

I want more detail..please!

write an essay or composition.

20點if you really can help me!!

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
well wt u should answer really depends on wt they ask u.............
and i can only give u some general ideas on how u should really say it......

ok, so HK was once a British colony so we have both Chinese and Western culture. Most ppl in HK lead a very busy life. We work very hard and we play hard as well. Our city is mostly make up of glamourous and eye-catching shops and reataurants and our city has a awesome night life. Our shops often open till late night.
Also, there are all kinds of restaurant with food of different countries. We enjoy cruisine of the world in HK. blah blah blah................

yah, sort of stuff
參考: me
2008-01-21 6:07 am
Entering the glamorous, soul enriching city of Hong Kong, you see modern scientific skyscrapers everywhere. Dense commercial skyscrapers between Central and Causeway Bay, lining the coast of Victoria Harbor, create a unique skyline for Hong Kong which is one of the major attractions that draws tourists from around the world.

^^it is my exmaple..hope it helps

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