買攝影機的話?美國買會平D 定系香港呢?

2008-01-15 7:57 pm
因為我一個月後就番 香港
想買攝影機 應該 系美國 呢面 買平D 定系 香港平D
希望 你地可以
thx Q

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
買攝影機的話?美國買會平D 定系香港呢?

1. 緊係返黎香港買啦, 美國要tax, 香港free tax
2. 日本輸出產品往外國係計算當地人既購買力作為定價格及產品級數(指產品用料)
3. 係美國會唔會齋俾一個110電壓既火牛? 香港會俾隻110-240電壓火牛, 同一大堆配件,響外國呢種配件好多時是要另外俾錢買,所以要特別留意, 不過亦要考慮如果你是長住外國會有冇保養期, 家下有D產品係有國際保養期的, 要問下售貨果間店鋪
2008-01-15 9:22 pm
1. If you order online (e.g. BHphotovideo) and pay no sales tax, US is cheaper.
2. If you go to the store, and pay sales tax, HK is cheaper.

You also have to consider warranty condition. In US you can get grey market goods which costs even less but you will find it difficult to have them serviced in HK.

You can check the HK prices from these forums and make informed decisions:


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