運送礦沙 (急)

2008-01-15 7:31 pm
我公司想攪礦沙生意, 現有礦沙由菲律賓出口, 運送到國內的天津港及山東, 想請問一下有那些公司有做這些運輸?
因我問了forwarder, 船公司都話無做....

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 2:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
For this kind of case .... You need contact with the shipowner
Not the forwarder ..... Bcz .. this is a very special case ~
If you want to help ...I can give you some information !!
Bcz ....I work with this kind of company as on b4 ~~
My E-mail : jasonleung66@hotmail.com
2008-01-15 8:11 pm
你可以搵dhl啊!! 佢喺香港都有幫好幾間公司做運輸, 果d公司就好似將倉務外判俾dhl咁, 以後所有收貨/送貨都由佢地跟進!!

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