What is the meaning of "crème de la crème"?

2008-01-15 6:20 pm
Is it a French idiom?

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 6:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is french and it menas ''cream of the cream"~ in chinese 精英. Cuz cream in french can be mean 精英 , so it is 精英中的精英.

Hope I can help u la~

2008-01-15 13:36:07 補充:
It is also the name of a mealand it is a phrase in French
2008-01-15 6:44 pm
"Creme de la creme" is a phrase in French.
Literally, it can be translated as "The best of the best."
This phrase is comparable to the English idiom "Cream of the crop," which usually denotes the best of any number or set of people, places, services, or performance.
"Creme de la creme" is also the name of a french dish, made from refined cream and usually served cold with cake.
參考: Source: wikipedia

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