Christian & Islam are the same??

2008-01-15 7:47 am
Can someone tell me the similarity and difference between Christian & Islam?
Is Bible derived from Islam?

回答 (23)

2008-01-15 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
- They both believe in one God (possibly the same God)
- Both believe in the power of adoration as a way of communicating with god
- Both believe in submission to God
-Many verses in the Bible and the quran (Islamic Bible) are the same

- Christians believe Jesus was the son of god, Islam teaches Jesus was an important prophet but not the son
-Islam teaches of the power and vengeance of God. Christians lean more towards salvation and forgiveness.
- Islam teaches all are born sinless and commit sins at our own peril. Christianity teaches we were all victims of the original sin and therefore no one is sinless and must seek forgiveness.

There are many many more here

The bible is not derived from Islam. Although they share many verses they were created independent of each other.
2008-01-15 3:51 pm
Christianity, Judaism (what Jews are), and Islam are all "Abrahamic religions". They all believe in the same God! That is, the God of the Old Testament. Basically, the Old Testament is common in all of these religions (essentially). Jesus is where they differ. Jews don't believe in Jesus as being anybody important. Christians believe he is the son of god, and the Messiah. And Muslims believe that he is a prophet (like Moses). That's the nutshell version.
2008-01-15 3:54 pm
They are very similar, also Judaism is e other Abrahamic religion and is similar as well.

The major difference between Islam and Christianity is Jesus, they both believe he existed but Christians say he is the son of God and Islam believes he was just a prophet as God had no son.

They both believe he will return to Earth on the day of judgement but Christians believe he will come back for the 'rapture' to take souls to heaven. Muslims believe he will come back to fight 'Ad Saddaj' (the deciever/devil).
2008-01-15 3:52 pm
No. Islam came up later in history. They are all part of the "Abrahamic" religions however - Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which all derive from the god of Abraham.
2008-01-15 3:50 pm
Wow do you have some studying to do. The bible came first so it didn't derive from Islam. They seem similar but... Just read them. You'll see there are some glaring differences between the two texts, but some similarities. Islam has many of the same stories, however adds or takes away from them (such as the Adam and Eve story)
2008-01-15 4:21 pm
They are both derived originally from Judaism but Islam came along about 700 years after Christianity. A lot of the people in the Torah/ Old Testament (Jewish scriptures) are also mentioned in the holy book of Islam, which is called the Qu'ran. This includes Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, etc. The chapter on Joseph is really beautiful. (that was always one of my favorite stories in the Bible.

The Qu'ran also tells about Jesus Christ whom they consider one of the greatest prophets. It's pretty interesting what they believe about Jesus. They do believe in the virgin birth. They believe Jesus was without sin, and that he performed miracles. They believe Jesus has a special place in Heaven and is very near to God (Allah = Arabic word for God). But they do not believe Jesus was actually divine. They think that Christians after Jesus twisted His words to come up with that idea, and they believe that at the end Jesus will himself tell the Christians that they are wrong to worship Him. They believe that Christians, by worshipping Jesus and in the case of Catholics, by praying to saints, have strayed away from monotheism.

Muslims believe that Muhammad was the final prophet, and that Jews and Christians, whom they call the "People of the Book", are better than pagans but should have recognized that Muhammad's revelations were really from their own God.
參考: I am Christian, but I have a copy of the Qu'ran and have read parts of it, and and have talked a lot to Muslim friends comparing religions
2008-01-15 4:02 pm
Similarity between Christianity and Islam is belief in one God.

Christians believe in the Blessed Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

Muslims don't believe in the concept of Trinity. They don't acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God. They don't believe in the Holy Spirit. They claim that they respect Jesus as a prophet.

The Bible was not derived from Islam. It was written by the prophets chosen by God and handed down from generation to generation. The original text was in Hebrew.
2008-01-16 1:12 am
Islam and Christianity are two different religions that have 2 different messengers.
Main difference between Islam and Christianity that Islam declares that there's 1 God that has no father or son or wife while Christianity says that there's God but there's also Jesus his son and Virgin Mary the mother of Jesus.
Islam and Christianity shares many similarities as they are both delivered from God and they from the Abrahamic Religions.
and According to the Islamic Point of view Jesus is a messenger from God same as Mohamed and he is not a son of God. Also, Christianity became to believe in the Father-Son-Holy Spirit when it was changed by the Romans at its early time.
And of course it's not derived from Islam and Neither Islam is derived from Christianity
Hope this helps.
參考: My Own Knowledge
2008-01-15 4:36 pm
There are many similarities between Islam and Christianity
If you read the Quran you will find all the prophets who were mentioned in the bible you will find them in the Quran with almost similarity in the stories may be also you will discover other things about them was not mentioned in the bible
The main differences between the bible and the Quran is that the Quran is direct words of God was reveled directly through the angel Gabriel to prophet Muhamed..the bible was not written during the life life of prophet Jesus but after he was raised to Allah but the Quran was all written during the days of prophet Muhamed
The Quran denies absolutely the divinity of Jesus or even being a son to God.and emphasize on the unity of God ..the one God of Abraham and Moses.The Quran emphasizes on Jesus being a man and one of the great prophets of God who was sent to sons of Isaraiels ..
In Islam there is no such a thing called original sin..we are all born sinless and God doesn't need to shed the blood of anyone for Him to grace only we are forgiven so jesus was not crucified but was saved and was raised to Allah before crucifixion and the one who betraied him was God made him look like Jesus and thus he was the one who was crucified
Muslims did not make this up ..simply it is in the Quran ..and we believe in its authenticity very much since it was never changed since revelation .
2008-01-15 3:56 pm
It depends on who you ask and how you look at it. To a muslim, "Islam" is the religion the prophets of the Bible followed- it is simply the natural way things are supposed to be, as God intended them. The Bible was supposed to have been written by people inspired by God over several millenia. The Quran is supposed to be God Himself speaking to a messenger over 23 years through an angel. But THE MAIN difference is that Islam, like Judaism, is purely monotheistic (albeit a few have corrupted this), whereas Christianity is trinitarian and believes God incarnated as Jesus (a prophet in Islam but not a divine being) and may have the occasional saint thrown in.

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