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I believe that many AMERICANS don't understand what United State stand for. Many people believe that this country belongs to them. These same people want to isolate this country for their own children and their ways. They live against the government and don't participate in anything because they think their personal freedom is guarrantee to be free. Yet, when it comes to people looking for better way of life, these same hate mongers violate the same constitutional law that binds a written oath that this country is united by people in search of freedom, prosperity and a better way of life. They bend the law and use the word illegal immigrant to deny people a right to live. If that's the case, then lets build a tutonic government, create ghettos and quarrantine all those who don't belong in this soceity. As far as John McCain, his politics sounds good when your running for office.
Just for giggles, I would like to know how much did it cost the people on the Mayflower to come this country and steal this land from the native american indian. How much did it cost to put slaves on ships and work them death. Who then is the actual illegal immigrant. And are you all in the same line of people that sing that funny song "this land is your land, this land is my land and the saying goes..