Do you think illegal aliens who have US born citizen children should be allowed to stay in this country?

2008-01-15 12:11 am
I have no doubt in my mind that there must be a number of US citizens that were born to illegal aliens, that have made immense contribution to and immense sacrifice for this country. I think Senator John McCain made a good point when he said at the recent Michigan Primary, that he is not going to tell our soldier fighting in Iraq that he is going to deport his mother (who is in this country illegally) to Guatemala. Do you agree with John McCain? If not, will you be the one to cast the first stone?

回答 (21)

2008-01-15 2:03 am
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I believe that many AMERICANS don't understand what United State stand for. Many people believe that this country belongs to them. These same people want to isolate this country for their own children and their ways. They live against the government and don't participate in anything because they think their personal freedom is guarrantee to be free. Yet, when it comes to people looking for better way of life, these same hate mongers violate the same constitutional law that binds a written oath that this country is united by people in search of freedom, prosperity and a better way of life. They bend the law and use the word illegal immigrant to deny people a right to live. If that's the case, then lets build a tutonic government, create ghettos and quarrantine all those who don't belong in this soceity. As far as John McCain, his politics sounds good when your running for office.

Just for giggles, I would like to know how much did it cost the people on the Mayflower to come this country and steal this land from the native american indian. How much did it cost to put slaves on ships and work them death. Who then is the actual illegal immigrant. And are you all in the same line of people that sing that funny song "this land is your land, this land is my land and the saying goes..
2008-01-15 12:25 am least 1 parent should be a legal citizen or both should be a legal resident.

I don't believe in Senator McCain's stance. They are trading potential citizenship for a military duty. Not the same as fighting for YOUR country. Does an American citizen get a wink and a nod for committing a crime just because they served in the military? NO.

Does Hillary get credit for her husband? (I know she tries...) Am I a Dr. because my ex was? Can Mrs. Farve be a famous quarterback because her husband was? get it on your own INDIVIDUAL efforts. The end. If you aren't 100% responsible for the failures....then you do not get 100% of the benefits. Make up your mind........If you don't want the children to suffer...then the criminal parents don't get a ride either. Can't have it both ways.

His mama had her whole adult life to fix her's not his job to get it for her and he shouldn't be burdened to do it and we don't owe it.

Are you obligated to pay for the mistakes your parents made? How about they die with a million in debt? Are you responsible for paying for it.....just because you are the child and have money?
Hated your alcoholic dad and worked your whole life to get away from that? Hadn't seen him in 30 years and now you have to pay? How about your grandkids being held responsible for what their grandparents did? The knife cuts in a 1000 different directions. All I know is once a child reaches legal age....they can fix their future. Any adult that doesn't give their child a clean slate isn't MY job to make up for.

My family has served for this country since the beginning.....there is NO SPECIAL considerations for me just because my ancestors did. I have a dad and relatives and ex husbands who served. I get NADA. My Kids get NADA. You get only what you coat-tails here.
2008-01-15 12:20 am
I would like to invite them to come back personally...once they agree to come back legally. Besides, what ever happened to personal responsibility. They made the choice to break the law when they snuck over and their kids (legal or not) suffer for it. They are in the situation they are in because of it. You act like they are the victims! America is paying a big price $$ and Americans are feeling the strain. On Christmas day I drove my sister to the emergency room. When we walked in the t.v. was on a spanish station and there were at least a dozen Hispanics who didn't speak english. Something told me tax payers were going to be picking up their tab. I'm not saying to not give them care...just saying I feel the strain as well and wonder what are we doing to fix it.
2008-01-15 12:37 am
I'd deport any illegal in a hot second.
McCain is a traitor who is willing to sell out our country's sovereignty to the big corporations that line his filthy pockets.

The hypothetical soldier that Sen McCain has duped you with could LEGALLY SPONSOR his mother so she wouldn't be deported. It's a FAKE ARGUMENT used to pull at the heart strings of hand-wringers like you.
2008-01-15 12:25 am
NO. If you are the product of an ILLEGAL INVADER then you should be deported as well. The parents ahd no right to be here when the child was born, why should the child get to be a US citizen??

The child was born while the parents were commiting a FEDERAL FELONY!!! The parents were commiting a CRIME, why should there be any benefits to it?!?!?!
2008-01-15 12:49 am
It would be nice to let anyone into the U.S. no questions asked, but that's not being responsible. Any other country in the world would first ask you what you have to offer before becoming a permanent resident. What makes this country different, why does this country have to support free loaders and criminals that want something for nothing, and demand that we all speak spanish. Next thing that they will want is to annex all of Mexico into the U.S. and that would be a very big mistake.
2008-01-15 1:00 am
No illegals do not deserve a break just because they made the poor choice to break the law. Their children can either stay or follow them back accross the border.
2008-01-15 4:28 am
Do you want to pay for them? This is not a victimless crime. If our OWN children were still getting good education and our OWN poor and elderly were still getting good benefits and our OWN people were still getting good and affordable health care, there might be extra. But it isn't like that, is it?

What did OUR people do to be punished? The children of those who came illegally are not more important than our own.
2016-05-25 3:57 pm
Yes,it is a concern. This law only encourages more illegal immigration. The parents broke the law and should face the consequences. We don't allow a thief or a drug dealer to avoid jail just because they have children. The parents have the option of taking their children with them when deported,as good parents should,or abandon them here in the US for others to take care of. The 14th amendment needs to be more clearly defined. No citizenship should be given unless at least one parent is a citizen.
2008-01-15 1:34 am
It is very sad to see that pretty much everyone who wrote is comparing our country to another, first of all winers it would be nice for you to actually look at the facts instead of listening to what other people were saying, ex: someone said something about health insurance....hmmm first of all there is a thing called a birth certificate that has to be validated for someone to get free health insurance...meaning all in the household have to be legal....if not then its failure to provide all paper should be more worried about the lazy *** people that sit in the house on food stamps and afdc plus free health all say deport well then i guess you have some kind of plan or you volunteer to be doing their dirty work in fields or in posion factories umm let me see what else you all can complain about I would like to meet someone that has not broke a single law....or just maybe for once stop being so selfish and put yourselfs in their shoes and why they are here. ( not free rides)

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