What is the scenario when sick doctors have to see a doctor?

2008-01-14 6:05 pm
What happens when doctors gets sick? Obviously, if they have a cold, they would know and stay home with meds, but what is the protocol when it comes to self-diagnosis with other stuff (i.e. broncitis, strep throat, pneumonia, etc)? Someone told me that even doctors can't do the self-diagnosis thing even though they've been to medical school and are legally allowed to practice medicine.

Do they just go see another doctor and say that 1.) they are a doctor and 2.) they believe that they have [insert illness here] because of these symptoms?

回答 (7)

2008-01-14 7:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Most of us make appointments with doctors.

When we have a cold, we don't "stay home with meds". We work. Last time I called in to say I wouldn't be in to work was almost 16 yrs ago, when I was in labor.

If it's something that's easy to treat and doesn't require much in the way of diagnosis, we can take care of ourselves. I treated my own Lyme disease. If it's something that requires a specialist, or just another doctor to monitor, then we choose a colleague we trust, make an appointment and get seen. I did not do my own obstetric care, for example.

We will sometimes ask for a "curbside consult", where we'll ask someone who ought to know what they think we have - mostly to get either a "don't worry about it" or "see me in my office" opinion.

It's better if we don't try to do another doctor's job for them when we are the patients, but it's tough not to do that!
參考: I'm a physician.
2008-01-14 10:17 pm
Doctors who are sick usually seek out colleagues whom they know and whose opinions they respect.

It's better to give than to receive medical care.

Like most people I dislike waiting in another doctor's office, but I consider it penance for my similar offenses.
2008-01-14 6:11 pm
Doctors have friends that are doctors, so one can write a prescription for the other.
2008-01-14 6:42 pm
Depending on where they work they usually have colleagues that can help them out and specialists they know too of course.

I am sure it is much easier for them an no long waits lol.
參考: Shihan
2008-01-14 10:20 pm
I suspect the most easiest thing to do is go see one of their colleagues. As for pangolin's answer, I do believe it is not advisable for sick hospital employees to work during the duration of their illness. Ever heard of nosocomial infections? Do I hear lawsuit just waiting to happen? Even techs know the seriousness of just a minor cold. That's why hospital employers generally offer their employees things like Paid Time Off, or Sick Leave = )
2008-01-14 6:17 pm
when a doctor gets sick he can diagnose himself about certain illness then he surely will have a friend who is specialist in that so he will go to him &receive treatment.
No one is protected from any illness.
Doctors can get any disease like other people.
2008-01-14 11:42 pm
I think they are sick so heavy or they willl not see a doctor too

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