中三選科: bio -20分

2008-01-15 4:42 am

請先看看這: http://www.xanga.com/stariholic
1. 如果想讀medicine, 可否skip Biology呢?
2. 有甚麼辦法能提升Biology水平呢?
(現在主要教Five kingdom/taxonomic hierarchy/diversity of organism) 有些參考書可介紹嗎? (請focus於這條問題上)
其實我會想讀純理多些,因為到目前為此還是想讀medicine,還有我Phy和Chem也不差。所以想大家幫幫我的Biology, 答題老是不中point的-.-


actually I do understand the terms. However it just turned out that the answer which I wrote in my papers didn't really hit-the-point. As stated, I found memorization in a forceful way a rather tough job, and deep down I would really want to improve my Biology. anyway thanks for the comments.

回答 (3)

2008-01-15 5:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你想讀medicine, 當然唔可以skip 左Biology啦...

另外, 如果你想提升水平, 我覺得參考書雖然係好, 但同時最好買多d exercise做, 咁樣一定有幫助, 尤其係pastpaper, 對你答題技巧係好有幫助嫁...
嗯...我提議你睇多d同生活有關的bio書, 因為往後好多問題都會圍繞生活多...

同埋我認為bio依科, 其實最主要係一定要背熟哂d野, 然後再加以運用...

仲有, 依到有d讀書方法, 希望岩你用啦...
1. 平時上堂一定要邊聽邊highlight重要ge points
3. 自己得閒就抄一份notes, 邊抄諙記, 咁樣可以幫助你記得好d, 而且同時可以令到自己更 加深入了解課文
4. 最重要就要多做, 答題技巧必有改善.
5.如果可以, 考試前淨係溫你自己抄ge notes, 咁樣可以節省好多時間...(盡量避免由頭睇多次本書)

以上都係個人意見, 我也經歷過, 希望幫到你啦^^
參考: me
2008-02-01 5:58 am
Good ~
2008-01-15 5:09 am
First, Biology is not a MUST for medicine. However, you have to consider that you can't avoid Biology forever once you get into the medicine school.

Second, do you figure out why you didn't get good grade in Biology? Do you find difficulties in memorizing the terms? Or you don't understand and apply the concepts?

One more tip for Biology, you must be very careful to analysis the questions. Each word or term in the question may turn out to different answers. Therefore, English reading and writing skills are especially important in this science subject.

Hope these information may help.

2008-01-14 21:12:14 補充:
As stated in the administration requirements of univeristy (in HK), 3 science subjects out of 4, inculding PHY, CHEM, BIO and AMATH for HKCEE;In A-level, Chemistry is a MUST for medicineOnce again, you'll find difficulties to catch up your Biology one when you're in medicine school

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