請求 幫忙 可以把我下面呢編中文翻譯成英文嗎 ? 一百句多謝 !

2008-01-15 4:39 am
它的片影種是一幅喜劇片 . 我在今年的十一月份看的 .
不過只是自己一個在家中觀看的 .我認為這是多樣感覺
的:有驚人的 , 激動的 , 落淚的 ,性感的 , 主要是好笑的 !
影片關于七位主角 ! 影片從開始就說五位想學做明星
向影帝曾志偉學做戲 ! 經過多次請求成功被收為教徒!
在那之后就跟師父學做戲了 !
員。戲中的曾志偉有三個當空姐的女朋友 , 到處留情 ! 更有了
一個女兒都不知道 , 後來相認 ! 誰知一次意外三位女朋友
一起來臨 , 最後當然只有曾志偉受盡痛苦了 !

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 5:18 am
✔ 最佳答案

It is a comedy. I watched it in November. I watched it on my own. I have different feelings towards it: scary, excited, sad, sex appeal... but mainly is funny!
This movie is about 7 main characters. The movie started with 5 of them want to be movie star and went to learn from Mr. Tsang Chi Wai. After they begged for many times, they were accepted by Mr. Tsang at last. And they started to learn how to act from Mr. Tsang. Mr. Tsang accompanied with Chan Pak Cheung, Meng Yiu and Kuk Joe Lam to act this comedy mainly. In the comedy, Mr. Tsang has three kenozooids girlfriends, and be boyfriend of many gilrs. And he even has a baby daughter which he dosen't know. But they regconize each other later. Unfortunately, three of his girlfriends come to him at the same time, and f course, Mr. Tsang is the one to suffer!
2008-01-15 5:04 am
It is the kind of a video film comedy. This year, I see in November.
But only on its own at home watching and I think that this feeling is diverse
: A surprising, exciting and tears, sexy, mainly funny!
Videos on seven protagonist! Film from the beginning, say five stars do want to learn
Eric Tsang winner of the show! After repeated requests for believers to be successful!
Since then tell the master of show!
Eric Tsang and Natalis CHAN as the main actor, and Meng Yao-Tsu-lin as the main female speech
Rapporteur. Eric Tsang play in the three when the stewardess girlfriend, Daochuliuqing! The more
A daughter do not know, but of recognition! Stated in an accident three girlfriends
With the advent of the final course only Eric Tsang suffer pain!
參考: Dr.eye

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