
2008-01-15 4:25 am
1. 96 passagers got off a train from Hong Kong at Shenzhen. 75% of the remaining passagers got off at Guangzhou. Finally 76 passagers were still on the train.
(a) Find the number of passagers on the train when the train left Shenzhen.
(b) Find the percentage of the passagers from Hong Kong who got off at Guangzhou.

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 4:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
a)Let xbe the original passenger in the train from HK.

x﹣96﹣(x﹣96)*75% = 76

x﹣96﹣0.75x + 72 =76

0.25x =100

x = 400

∴the number of passagers on the train = 400﹣96 = 304

b) Passenger got off at Guangzhou

= (400﹣96)*75%


the percentage of the passagers from Hong Kong who got off at Guangzhou

= 228/400×100%

= 57%

2008-01-14 20:37:05 補充:
Another solution of part (a):Let x be the remaining passengers on train when it left Shenzhen,x(1﹣75%) = 76x = 76 / (1﹣75%)x = 76 / 0.25x = 304∴the number of passagers on the train is 304
2008-01-16 11:56 pm
76 passengers = 25% of the total passengers when the train left Shenzhen

Therefore, no. of passengers on train whe the train left Shenzhen
= 76/25% = 304

Total no. of passengers when the train left Hong Kong
= 304 + 96 = 400

No. of passengers got off at Guangzhou
= 304 x 75% = 228

% of passengers from Hong Kong got off at Guangzhou = 228/400 = 57%

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