simple f.1 eng(10分)

2008-01-15 4:20 am

回答 (3)

2008-01-15 5:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
You should use eother Past Continue Tense or Present Continue Tense as you are talking about what is doing by the ones in the photos.

But, in modern English, prople often use Present Continue Tense instead.

The following is an example showing you hoe it is used.
My mum is reading newspaper.

Hope I can help you.

2008-01-14 21:06:05 補充:
The revised version of the first sentence:You should use eother Past Continue Tense or Present Continue Tense as you are talking about what is doing by the ones in the photos.

2008-01-14 21:06:42 補充:
The revised version of the first sentence:You should use either Past Continue Tense or Present Continue Tense as you are talking about what is doing by the ones in the photos.
參考: knowledge from Secondary School English Teacher
2008-01-15 5:00 am
相中人做緊咩?梗係用present continuous tense 啦!

例如: My father is watching TV. My mother is preparing our dinner right now. My brother and I are helping to set the dining table.
2008-01-15 4:44 am


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