老師話用sandpaper polish a piece of magnesium ribbon
之後會變成 silvery and shiny
之後仲去用bunsen burner 係空氣中燒
佢講比我地知 magnesium burns immediately and bring light is observed.
又話magnesium react with oxygen when it burns in the air
magnesium + oxygen > magnesium oxide我想問一問點解佢未整個實驗之前,係唔係就有magnesium oxide係個metal 周圍
咁仲要用火係空氣中燒先變magnesium oxide 架咩>(magnesium react with oxygen when it burns in the air)
白色個D 係乜黎 係唔係magnesium oxide? 咁係既話 咁仲係唔係metal
oxide 點解係固體
白色個D 乜黎?