✔ 最佳答案
1.He swims almost every day.(almost並不是用來修飾swim,是用來修飾every day,所以要儘量貼近every day)
2.I also went there.或I went there too.(also與too意思一樣,不需重覆)
3.Although it was raining, we still went on the picnic.或It was raining, but we still went on the picnic.(although, but都是連接詞,兩句句子只需要一個連接詞便足夠)
4.I often listen to the radio. 或I always listen to the radio on Sunday.(always不是常常的意思,除非用進行式;always是總是的意思;我們不可能總是聽收音機,而是常常聽收音機。或在星期日(或其他時候)總是聽收音機)
5.Taxi drivers usually don't know how much they'll earn.(always是總是的意思,usually是通常的意思)
6.I cannot speak Cantonese and Mandarin.(don't speak Cantonese...是你識得講英文和普通話,但不去講;你的句子是,你不曉得的意思,所以要用cannot)
7.I couldn't find what I wanted in the supermarket, so I went to another shop.(another已是限定詞determiner,所以不用the)
8.She crossed to the other side of the road.(對面是the other side,而不是another side)
9.I'm too tired to work(too...to verb是太xx,以致不能的意思;I am too tired to work意思已經完整,毋須加anymore)
10.Suddenly a strange person appeared.(was, appear在這句都是動詞,一句句子不可以有兩個主動詞)
11.I shall apply for a job once I get my exam results. (apply用在申請的時候,是不及物動詞,要跟for或to;並且用will(意志的將來)會好過用shall,用shall比較古老)
12.When she arrived at my place,we put on our favourite pop music.(arrive是不及物動詞,要跟前置詞)
13.When he arrived at Hong Kong, he was amazed at the changes.(如上)
14.When she arrived at home, her husband had had the meal ready.(ready有已經的意思,後半句的意思是:她丈夫已經用完膳了,所以要用過去完成式)