
2008-01-15 12:12 am

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 1:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
In fact, in quantum physics, there is no physical spin or rotation of electrons around the atom, from the uncertainty principle, the electrons do have a probabilitly distribution with magnetic properties called as ' spin ' .
You can find electrons any where in the atom, by a probability, the ' orbits ' are the peaks of the probabilitly distribution, you can find electrons more easy there.
There is energy state of the electrons in atom, these energy is the KE + PE of the electrons, PE is the protentail energy of the elctron in the eletromagnetic field of the atom. The KE you ask are come from PE. Please remind that the classic physics cannot be apply in quantum world.
2008-01-15 4:31 am
參考: 書本

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