past tense 好難

2008-01-14 9:54 pm

回答 (4)

2008-01-14 10:42 pm
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用英文past tense,首先要知道所指的是過去時間所發生的事。其次要能認出屬於past tense的字眼,如

yesterday,the day before yesterday,last week, last year…, ago,this morning之類的字眼。

其次要懂得轉「動詞 verb」變成 past tense (似乎是你的弱點),但這部分是須打開任何一本較好的英文字典(如牛津高階),後頁附錄(Appendix)都有一些不規則動詞表(Irregular verbs),初學者撰一些常用字(如 do . did . done),背了它已大致可以行走天下,有時間才慢慢精心鑽研其餘部份。

除了這些不規則動詞外,其餘的都是動詞後加ed(如play . played),或減去y加ied(如study . studied)。

參考: 自己學習的過程
2010-01-28 2:27 am
前面有past tense後前就不要past tense。例如:He could do up him buttons by himself。但有but、when、and then和so的字眼,後面要就加past tense。例如:I can comb my hair by myself when i was three!
2008-01-15 1:08 am
Simple past tense簡單過去式is used for:
1) past habitual action以往習慣行動
例句We went out once or twice a month.
2) past action happening before past perfect action在past perfect之前
例句After Tom had finished his homework, he went shopping with his mother.
3) a particular action in the past, not linking to the present已過去了之行動,不再連續
例句She lived in London all her life.
4) a past habit過去之習慣
例句She went to school on foot last year, but not now.
5) an action coming after past perfect
例句When I arrived at the bus-stop, the last train had gone.
例句When he came here, Mary had already left.
例句When the wanted to see the house, it had been sold.
例句Since we had had a very late lunch, we had no appetite for dinner.
例句She had finished all her work, so she felt free to leave her office.

Past continuous tense過去進行式is used for:
past progressive action過去進行中之行動
例句Tom’s wife was spending while he was working hard.
past temporary action as compared with simple past過去短暫之行動
例句We were temporarily living in the United States last week.

Past perfect tense過去完成式is used for:
1) finished activities in the past已完成之過去動作
例句She had finished all her work.
例句He had not smoked cigarettes for several months.
2) an action done before simple past在simple past前已完成之動作
例句He had realized the truth before she told him.
3) an action coming before simple past

Past perfect continuous tense過去完成進行式is used to:
1) activities coming before simple past在simple past前一直做之動作
例句John had been studying in London when he met Mary.
2) emphasizing a very long period in the past強調一段在過去很長之時間
例句He had been waiting a very long time for her at the bus-stop.
參考: 講義
2008-01-14 10:13 pm

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