
2008-01-14 7:19 pm
名稱 芝娃娃 Chihuahua
原 產 地 英國
犬 種 墨西哥
體 重 0.5-2.7kg (1-1.35kg為理想)
身 高 12cm左右
歷 史 Techichi及一種原產於亞洲的無毛小狗、長毛芝娃娃是由短毛芝娃娃與約克夏及蝴蝶犬交配而成。
總 體 外 觀 屬小型犬,身體細小,但具有重型骨骼構造。
毛 色 紅色及藍色。
毛 質 有長毛及短毛,長毛成波浪狀但不鬈曲,短毛則光澤柔軟。
頭 部 有圓拱形的頭蓋骨。
眼 睛 眼睛圓且大。
耳 朵 耳朵大大地豎起斜附在頭部的橫側。
鼻 呈黑色。
尾 巴 牠有一條猶如鐮刀狀的長尾巴,無論是長毛或短毛亦有兩層毛髮。
體 態 態度優雅、清潔可愛。
性 格 聰明、警戒心強、忠誠。


回答 (2)

2008-01-14 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Last week was my birthday. My dad & mom held a birthday party for me. I recived a lot of present, but the present I like most, is a dog from my dad & mom!
It's a mexico dog, my dad told me that it's a Chihuahua. It's born in England. It weights 1.25kg, it's only 12cm tall. My mom said the dog's parents are a Techichi dog and a long-hair-Chihuahua. It looks very small but it has heavy bones. The colour of it's hair is red and blue. It has both weavy long hair and soft smoth short hair. It has a round head. it's eyes are round and big, these make it very pretty. It's big ears lied beside it's head. It has a black nose. It has a moon-shaped long tail, there is two layers of long and short hair. it's moves are always so grateful. It's a clean dog. It's very smart and is loyal to me.
參考: ME
2008-01-14 7:54 pm

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