食物 中英對照

2008-01-14 9:08 am
愈多愈好 thx^^

回答 (2)

2008-01-14 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
清炒時菜 Fried seasonal vegetables
豉汁涼瓜片 Fried balsam pear with black bean sauce
椒絲腐乳唐生菜 Pepper and lettuce with Chinese cheese sauce
時菜牛肉 Fried seasonal vegetables with shredded beef
時菜肉片 Fried seasonal vegetables with sliced pork
麻婆豆腐 Sichuan style spicy bean curd
粟米斑塊 / 玉米斑塊 Grouper with corn
西檸軟雞 Chicken with lemon juice
咖哩牛腩 Curry flank beef
芙蓉煎蛋 Fried crumbled egg white
滑蛋叉燒 Fried egg with char siu
腰果雞丁 Chicken dice with cashew nut
腰果肉丁 Pork dice with cashew nut
羅漢上素 Chinese style vegetarian mix
菠羅咕嚕肉 Sweet and sour pork with diced pineapple
涼瓜肉片 Sliced pork with balsam Pear
椒鹽豆腐 Deep fried bean curd with salt and pepper
西蘭花牛肉 Beef with broccoli
西蘭花肉片 Pork with broccoli
金銀蛋時菜 Seasonal vegetables with preserved and salted eggs
三菇扒時菜 Assorted mushrooms with vegetables
時菜炒三絲 Fried shredded meat with vegetables
西芹炒雞柳 Fried chicken breast with celery
咕嚕滑雞球 Hot and sour chicken
沙律京都骨 Pork rib with salad dressing
菠羅生炒骨 Pineapple spare ribs
川椒辣雞球 Sichuan style spicy chicken
XO醬炒什菜 XO sauce fried assorted vegetables
翠塘豆腐 Steam egg in broth
琵琶豆腐 Steam bean curd with prawn and pepper
涼瓜鮮魷 Squid with balsam pear
中式牛肉 Chinese style beef
醬爆鮮魷 Fried squid with sauce
椒鹽鮮魷 Deep fried squid with salt and pepper
蒜香九肚魚 Deep fried Bombay duck with garlic
瑤柱肉崧蒸水蛋 Steam egg with minced pork and scallop
豉汁蒸烏頭 Steam grey mullet with black beans sauce
檸檬蒸烏頭 Steam grey mullet with lemon juice
梅菜蒸鯇魚 Steam grass fish with sour vegetables
西蘭花鮮魷 Squid with broccoli
味菜炒鮮魷 Fried squid with preserved vegetables
白飯魚煎蛋 Fried egg with whitebait
咸蛋蒸肉餅 Steam pork burger with salted egg yolk
豉汁蒸排骨 Steam pork ribs with black bean sauce
三色蒸水蛋 Tricolor assorted steam eggs
金銀雲耳蒸雞 Steam chicken with assorted fungi
枝竹火腩豆腐蒸雞 Steam chicken with bean curd sheets, flank pork and bean curd
滑蛋蝦仁 Fried shrimp with crumbled egg
宮保蝦仁 Kung Po sauced prawn
宮保雞丁 Kung Po sauced chicken
魚湯魚滑浸時菜 Fish balls and seasonal vegetables in fish soup
湯菜膽雞 Chicken and vegetables in broth
蟹肉扒時菜 Seasonal vegetables with crabmeat
清蒸桂花魚 Steam nandid fish
豉汁蒸大鱔 Steam eel with black bean sauce
蒜茸牛仔骨 Garlic beef ribs
腰果炒蝦仁 Fried prawn with cashew nut
黑椒牛仔骨 Beef rib in black pepper sauce
蜜燒牛仔骨 Roast beef rib with honey
沙薑雞 Steam chicken with salt and pepper sauce
海鮮賽螃蟹 Seafood with egg white
脆皮金沙雞 Deep fried marinated chicken
豉汁蒸黃立倉 Steam pompret fish with black bean sauce
炭燒豬頸肉 BBQ pig's neck meat
瑤柱金菰鮮腐皮 Scallop, enoki mushroom and bean curd sheets in sauce
燒牛仔骨 Roast beef ribs
芝士焗龍蝦 / 奶酪焗龍蝦 Grilled lobster with cheese
豉椒味菜鵝腸 Preserved vegetables and goose small intestines in black pepper sauce
沙汁明蝦球 Prawn in salad dressing
豉椒焗鮮魷 Grill squid with black bean sauce
蟹肉扒雙蔬 Assorted vegetables with crabmeat sauce
美果鮮蝦仁 Fried prawn and fruits in crunchy noodle bowl
椒鹽九肚魚 Deep fried Bombay duck with salt and pepper
蒜香骨 Garlic ribs
發財玉環柱甫 Steam hairy cucumber with black sea moss and scallops
上湯魚肚小唐菜 Fish maw and green brassica in broth
沙律海鮮球 Seafood in salad dressing
泰式串燒風鱔 Thai style BBQ eel in sticks
魚香蝦仁蒸豆腐 Steam bean curd with fish and prawn sauce
香煎銀雪魚 Shallow fried cod
2008-01-14 9:21 am

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