請問校際音樂節Chinese Composer 是否可以用影印樂譜?

2008-01-14 6:16 am
請問校際音樂節Chinese Composer 是否可以用影印樂譜?

回答 (2)

2008-01-14 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The people above me must be wrong!!!!!!
HKSMSA has already changed the rule a few years ago, no copy scores can be uses.
Moreover, in this year, there is another rule for Chinese Composer

An exract from the site :
Competition Requirement:
Competitors should play from MEMORY during the competition

So you know what you are going to do now!!!!!!

2008-01-14 14:13:40 補充:
"can be uses" should be amand to "can be used"
2008-01-14 7:31 am

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