
2008-01-14 5:36 am
想問一下報稅表點填﹖﹖我是第一次收到張報稅表,但我不明佢4.1那部份,佢要我填受僱其間同總收入,咁我是填我實際在這間公司工作的年數同總人工嗎﹖﹖還是只填最近的一年﹖﹖ 另外,我在工作其間有讀一些課程,是否可通知回稅局等佢收少d稅﹖﹖ 請有經驗的人幫幫我~thank!!

回答 (2)

2008-01-16 6:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
簡單d講,你只須要根據稅局發出的報稅表所申報之報稅年度填寫有關收入。如果稅表寫住2006/07年度,即係填寫 2006年4月1日至2007年3月31日為止,你的打工收入。如果你於該段時間有多過一份工,則你須要填寫所有資料。


2008-01-15 1:20 am
The Part 4.1 asks for your employment information, including your Employer name (or company name), position, period (means from 1/4/2006 to 31/3/2007 if you worked for the whole year, if not, states the period, e.g., 2/6/2006 to 31/3/2007 or 1/4/2006 to 25/12/2006), and the total income (means your salary of such period, e.g., $10,000 x 12 = $120,000).
If you are taking the courses related to the job in an approved school, you can fill in the amount of tuition in Part 4.3 (2) or Line 31. You should keep the receipts from such school for evidence in case the IRD asks for it. Your income will be deducted of such tutition fee paid in order to pay less taxes.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:56:59
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