Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga問題......

2008-01-14 5:11 am
EpisodesVI如何打,i don't know!!!

回答 (3)

2008-01-14 5:58 am
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星球大戰(Star Wars),是美國導演/製作人喬治·盧卡斯所製作拍攝的一系列科幻電影。同時「星球大戰」也是該系列中最早拍攝的第四集的原來的片名。



故事以三條主線貫穿:銀河共和國轉變為銀河帝國的過程中引發內戰,反抗軍與帝國軍力互相對抗;絕地武士階級的興衰起落;以及天行者家族在大環境下面臨的種種挑戰。本片開啟荷里活電影商品授權的龐大事業,旗下分別有小說、漫畫、玩具與電玩遊戲等相關周邊產業,系列中每部電影,小說與電玩遊戲,皆以「很久很久以前,在一個遙遠的星系──」(A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...)開頭。

《星球大戰》(Star Wars),是美國導演喬治·盧卡斯所製作拍攝的一系列科幻電影。同時,《星球大戰》也是該系列中最早拍攝的第四集最初的片名。

中文譯名 英文名稱 首映日 備註
星球大戰前傳I:魅影危機 Star Wars Episode I : The Phantom Menace 1999年5月19日
星球大戰前傳II:複制人侵略 Star Wars Episode II : Attack of the Clones 2002年5月16日
星球大戰前傳III:黑帝君臨 Star Wars Episode III : Revenge of the Sith 2005年5月19日
星球大戰IV:新的希望 Star Wars Episode IV : A New Hope 1977年5月25日
星球大戰V:帝國反擊戰 Star Wars Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back 1980年5月21日
星球大戰VI:武士復仇 Star Wars Episode VI : Return of the Jedi 1983年5月25日

[編輯] 擴充宇宙
除了電影的故事外,電影之間和前後有動畫、漫畫、小說和視頻遊戲加添情節,星球大戰的銀河歷史可以追溯到四部曲前超過二萬五千年,和其後三十餘年至百多年後,而且至今仍然擴充。這些電影外的故事均稱為「擴充宇宙」(Expanded Universe)。而卡通星球大戰:複製人戰爭(Star Wars:Clone Wars)中是星球大戰II:複制人侵略的後續,故事的角色設定及經過,都有顯示在星球大戰III:黑帝君臨,例如安納金右臉留下的傷疤、格裡弗斯將軍(General Grievous)等就是從卡通而來及解釋經過。


[編輯] 主要角色
路克·天行者(Luke Skywalker)
安納金·天行者(Anakin Skywalker)
歐比王·肯諾比(Obi-Wan(Ben) Kenobi)
魁剛·金(Qui-Gon Jinn)
魅使·雲度(Mace Windu)
杜庫伯爵(Count Dooku)
達斯·維達(Darth Vader)
達斯·魔(Darth Maul)
格裡弗斯將軍(General Grievous)
韓素羅 (Han Solo)
藍多·卡瑞辛(Lando Calrissian)
佩咪·艾米達拉(Padmé Amidala)
莉亞·歐嘉納(Princess Leia Organa)

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魅影危機 | 複製人侵略 | 黑帝君臨
曙光乍現 | 帝國反擊戰 | 絕地歸來

The Star Wars Holiday Special | 魔星傳奇 | Star Wars: Clone Wars | 外星一對寶 | 小奇兵
2008-01-19 3:02 am
Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga我有玩...EpisodesVI一共有五關,所以首先想請問你係EpisodesVI入面邊關唔識玩?

2008-01-20 21:05:45 補充:
第1關:一開始要吸引門上的三個激光炮探出頭來,將他們全部解決後大門打開。然後直接進入第二個門裝上一個頭盔,再去開啓第三道門。過去後遇上Luke。救出牢房中的R2與3CPO後。行至一個大廳之內,消滅掉所有的敵人以後去補一個面具,再來替上次EpisodesV入面被冷凍了的Han Solo解凍。發生劇情後,今關基本上就是在不停地搭建連接橋,敵人並不是很強大。第二階段剛開始時有一個開關需要不斷地架設平台才能跳過去,事實上還有更簡介的方法,只要多在平台旁的那片斜坡上蹭幾下就能夠輕而易舉地到達。用繩索蕩上平台後開啓大門,然後一路前行直到大炮處,本關結束。

2008-01-20 21:06:00 補充:
第1關:一開始要吸引門上的三個激光炮探出頭來,將他們全部解決後大門打開。然後直接進入第二個門裝上一個頭盔,再去開啓第三道門。過去後遇上Luke。救出牢房中的R2與3CPO後。行至一個大廳之內,消滅掉所有的敵人以後去補一個面具,再來替上次EpisodesV入面被冷凍了的Han Solo解凍。發生劇情後,今關基本上就是在不停地搭建連接橋,敵人並不是很強大。第二階段剛開始時有一個開關需要不斷地架設平台才能跳過去,事實上還有更簡介的方法,只要多在平台旁的那片斜坡上蹭幾下就能夠輕而易舉地到達。用繩索蕩上平台後開啓大門,然後一路前行直到大炮處,本關結束。

2008-01-20 21:06:55 補充:

2008-01-20 21:07:34 補充:
第4關:今關是最終BOSS戰,敵人爲帝國皇帝,即是Sith大帝----Darth Sidious。至於BOSS打法也不再是普通的拼劍就可以搞定。接近時Sith大帝會放出閃電阻礙你,如果掙脫不掉的話就會被秒殺,詳細打法,步行靠近Sith大帝(注意不能跳,否則離地太高無法轉換角色),當被電到的時候迅速轉身切換到另一角色,另一人迅速上前砍上一刀。雖然每一次扣血有點少,但久了他也是得OVER的。期間Sith大帝還會逃跑幾次和派侍衛攻擊你,不過已經經曆了這麽多的玩家相信也能夠輕鬆追上他了,因此就不再敘述追擊方法了。搞定Sith大帝以後發生劇情,本關結束。

2008-01-20 21:07:56 補充:
2008-01-15 4:16 am
There are 36 story levels, 20 bounty hunter missions, and six bonus levels (two Lego Cities, two story levels, and the original pod race and gunship levels). Most of the story levels are the same as those found in the original games.[3] A level involving the pursuit of bounty hunter Zam Wesell has been added (this was a deleted level from LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game), while another level that was cut from the first game (Anakin's starship battle from Episode I) is included as a bonus level. This level utilizes vehicle free-roam from the second game.

The game takes place from “the Trade Federation’s Negotiations with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace” to “the space battle above Endor in Return of the Jedi”. The “Gunship Cavalry” and “Mos Espa Podrace” levels have been redesigned although the original versions are still in the game as bonus levels. However, “Battle over Coruscant” remains the same except that players can change vehicles in free-play. A brand-new 2-player Battle Arena mode has been added. New vehicle bonus missions, the red power bricks from Lego Star Wars II, and 10 additional Bounty Hunter Missions add new challenges to the Prequel Trilogy portions originally seen in Lego Star Wars: The Video Game. The episode I-II-III levels have been updated so that characters can build and ride vehicles, wear helmets and gain access to bounty hunter areas, and those characters now have the ability to dodge blaster fire and have their own special melee attack (for example, Chewbacca rips off arms). New Jedi force moves are included.[3] New characters have also been added, bringing the total up to 160. Indiana Jones is an unlockable playable character (to promote the upcoming Lego Indiana Jones: The Video Game).[4]

[edit] Platform differences
The PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 allow for co-op play online.[3] The Wii includes motion-sensitive inputs, and the Nintendo DS incorporates exclusive touch-screen action and challenges. The PlayStation 3 version also allows the use of Sixaxis' motion-sensing. Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 version runs in a high resolution of 1080p. The motion-sensitive controls allow the Wii and PS3 consoles to drive vehicles and allows the Wii to control lightsaber movement. The Wii and DS versions do not have any online play. There is also a secret reward for completing 100% of the game.

[edit] Characters and ships
The Complete Saga includes 162 playable characters (115 for the DS Version):

All 56 characters from Episodes I, II & III included in the first game. (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul, General Grievous, Anakin Skywalker, etc.).
All 68 characters from Episodes IV, V & VI included in the second game. (Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin, etc.).
It also includes:

All 12 extra toggle characters such as a skeleton, womp rat, and the buzz droid.
11 new characters: Watto, Zam Wesell, Boss Nass, Taun We, Lama Su[3], R2-Q5, Captain Tarpals, Aayla Secura, Plo Koon, Dexter Jettster, and a pit droid.
Two characters that can be customized by the player(s).
A cameo from Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones of the upcoming Lego Indiana Jones: The Video Game[4] is also available (although he is not included in the DS version).
Vehicles from Episodes I, II, and III: Anakin's Podracer, Sebulba's Podracer, Zam's Airspeeder, Naboo Starfighter, Anakin's Speeder, Republic Gunship, Jedi Starfighter (Yellow), Jedi Starfighter (Red), Droid Tri-Fighter, Vulture Droid, Arc-170 Starfighter
Vehicles from Episodes IV, V, and VI: X-wing, Y-Wing, Snowspeeder, Millennium Falcon, TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Vader's TIE Advanced, TIE Bomber, Imperial Shuttle, and Slave I.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:26:38
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