三月三藩市, 洛杉磯 + 拉斯維加斯 12 日自由行

2008-01-14 4:10 am
同 daddy mummy 自由行, 主要係去三藩市探親 -> 拉斯維加斯 -> 洛杉磯 -> 日本 -> 香港

請問唔揸車, 由拉斯維加斯點去 LA ???

有咩可靠o既 web-site 可以 book 美國o既內陸機 + hotel + local tour ???

o係香港o既旅行社可唔可以買到美國內陸機o既機票架 ???

唔該晒 ~

回答 (2)

2008-01-15 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
係拉斯維加斯如果唔揸車﹐可以坐飛機去LA﹐又或者你可以先係三藩市去LA﹐再叫車由LA去拉斯維加斯。 因為你地3個人﹐甘樣會比搭飛機平。

web-site都有好多﹐www.travelocity.com, www.expedia.com, www.priceline.com
呢幾個都係我平時用開既﹐都唔錯架~~ 可以參考~~~


local tour, 我都有認識一D導遊﹐如果你想要更多資料﹐你可以e-mail 我或者 msn都得~~ 我 既msn 係 [email protected]﹐ 希望可以幫到你~~
參考: 現住LA﹐以前住三藩市﹐成日去拉斯維加斯
2008-01-21 11:03 pm
如果自悠行,我建議你搭內陸機去 vegas ,一個月前訂可以去 www.Southwest.com (direct from Oakland to Las Vegas) ,一定搵到平嘢。 香港旅行社是訂不到這些廉價機票的,它們袛會找那些 United, American Airlines etc。

From LV to LA, you can use www.jetblue.com (direct flight from LV to long beach, about $50US), but I don't recommend because with the check-in /security check time, I will rather take bus. For bus, go to www.greyhound.com; 四十蚊有找。 As a back up option, you can take train, 費用跟巴士差不多,go to www.Amtrak.com for details.

However, the best option is to join the local tour which departing from SF, going to LV / Grand Canyon / LA and then returning to SF. 三人同行同房$1000 左右,在LA 離團回港, this will save you lots of time and headache。
Ask your relative in to check out the tours for you (this is a very popular tour).
You can also call the travel agency by looking up the agencies that is close to where you are going to stay in SF; go to www.singtaoyp.com and search for 旅行社.

Note: 美國的 inter-city 交通真的不太方便。
參考: 美國佬華僑

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