
2008-01-14 1:52 am
以下幾句不知英文應怎寫, 請幫忙.
1. 一份草擬好的文件給你審核.
2. 這份文件不知是誰人負責, 請指點.
3. 請指示如何處理.
4. 我需要更新資料, 請問你們有沒有收到有關資料給我更新.

回答 (3)

2008-01-14 11:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 There is a draft copy document for you to examine.
2 Please advise who is responsible for the document.
3 Please advise how to manage with it.
4 I need the up-dated information. Please advise whether you
have received the relevant information.
2008-01-14 2:11 am
1. 1 drafts a good document to examine for you. 2. This document doesn't know is who the person be responsible for, please point out. 3. Please indicate how to handle. 4. I need to renew data, please ask you to have to receive to renew for me concerning the data.
2008-01-14 2:06 am
1. 1 drafts a good document to examine for you.
2. This document doesn't know is who the person be responsible for, please point out.
3.Please indicate how to handle.
4. I need to renew data, please ask you to have to receive to renew for me concerning the data.
參考: me

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