
2008-01-13 11:23 pm
1)making online friends
2)past time jobs
3)watching tv

回答 (1)

2008-01-14 10:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
Nowadays, Internet is very common to the public. Almost everyone has a computer at home with Internet. Softwares like MSN, ICQ are well known. People can easily make online friends with these softwares. They can always chat with people online, talking about their habits, daily feelings and so on.

Studying at the university can cost thousands of money. Where do these money comes from? By doing part time jobs! University students can do part time jobs for money while studying. They are usually employed by companies like Mc'Donald, KFC, etc. And these part time jobs can help to release their burden on university fees.

Nowadays, television is a necessity to every family. They always watch TV when they have leisure time, or even during lunch, dinner. Televisions seems never to be turned off. When you go to street, you can hear sounds everywhere from television. So, watching TV becomes a culture in the world.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 23:34:17
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