
2008-01-13 6:30 pm
我想話::young people need to do voluntary work, they can help the elder and have a good (心理健康).


回答 (5)

2008-01-13 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
心理健康=mental health

可參考加拿大政府所印製的 "心理健康法指南" (Guide to the Mental Health Act)

2008-01-13 10:58:01 補充:
不好意思,剛才的url是錯的,正確的是: http://www.healthservices.gov.bc.ca/mhd/pdf/1Chinese_Guide to the Mental Health Act_ revised.pdf
2008-01-13 10:14 pm
Psychologically healthy
2008-01-13 8:26 pm
Young people should involve in the social services, such as voluntary
work, by helping the elderly people, that could improve and
strengthen the psychological health/mental health in one's mind.
2008-01-13 6:35 pm
应该可以写成是Pychologically Healthniess.

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