
2008-01-13 10:15 am




回答 (1)

2008-01-15 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
HKU General Entrance Requirements (2008)(1)


(I) gain in his/her first and/or second attempt in the HKCEE

(A) Level 3 or above in English Language(2);

(B) Level 2 or above in Chinese Language(3); or Grade E in a language other than Chinese and English;

(C) Grade E or above in Mathematics; and

(D) Grade E or above in four other subjects(4);

provided that achievements in any six of the subjects listed above are obtained at one and the same time; and

(II) gain the following in HKALE:

(A) Grade D or above in AS Use of English;

(B) Grade E or above in AS Chinese Language & Culture(5)(6); and

(C) (i) Grade E or above in two AL subjects; or

(ii) Grade E or above in one AL subject, and in two AS subjects other than Use of English and Chinese Language & Culture; or

(iii) Grade E or above in four AS subjects other than Use of English and Chinese Language & Culture.


HKU Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery


Grade E or above in either 3 AL subjects or the equivalent of 6 AS subjects

CU General Entrance Requirements


I. Applicants shall be eligible to apply for admission if they:

1) have obtained in one sitting of the GCE Advanced Level Examination pass grades in no less than three subjects (Applicants with pass grades in 2 GCE Advanced Level and 2 Advanced Subsidiary Level subjects may also apply); OR

2) have acquired an International Baccalaureate Diploma (check preferred subject requirements of the programmes); OR

3) possess a qualification obtained outside Hong Kong which qualifies them for university admission in the country/region where such qualification is obtained; OR

4) possess a Matriculation Certificate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong issued in 1978 or before; OR

5) have obtained in one sitting of the Hong Kong Higher Level Examination grade E or above in no less than five subjects including Chinese Language & Literature and English Language; OR

6) have successfully completed:

a) at least one year of undergraduate study at a recognized university; OR

b) a course of study leading to the qualification of associate degree / higher diploma; OR

7). are mature persons aged 23 or over on 1st September in the year when admission is sought, provided:

a) they are able to show either by publication or by other acceptable evidence that they have achieved sufficient competence in their chosen field of study to justify admission; or have shown exceptional ability in appropriate academic or professional fields; AND

b) they can produce evidence of continuous residence in Hong Kong for at least three years; OR

8) have other exceptional achievements which merit admission

CU Additional Requirements of Programmes (Medical Studies)


a) Level 5 or above in English Language in 2007 HKCEE# (only applicable to those who are currently studying Secondary 6 outside Hong Kong), or

(b) 8A* (excluding Chinese) in 2007 GCSE/IGCSE, or

(c) 8A(1) (excluding Chinese) in 2006 Singapore GCE (O-level), or

(d) 8A (excluding Chinese) in 2007 GCE (O-level) in the country where sub-grades are not available

其他參考 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7007121903518

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